home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Friday, April 27, 2012 - Page 9 of 68 - << previous page : next page >>
Moving along the cheetah was just laying around.
Moving along the cheetah was just laying around. Click to switch to large image view
One of the white rhinos was on the move with some food.
One of the white rhinos was on the move with some food. Click to switch to large image view
As you leave the reserve to chase the poachers noticed quite a bit of grass in the area now.  Looked to be relatively new sod.  I am guessing this will become the Zebra area.  There was grass on both sides of the road from when you left the reserve till the geysers and even some near the camp area.
As you leave the reserve to chase the poachers noticed quite a bit of grass in the area now. Looked to be relatively new sod. I am guessing this will become the Zebra area. There was grass on both sides of the road from when you left the reserve till the geysers and even some near the camp area. Click to switch to large image view
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